Islamic University of Technology

i | HSC Math Percentage |
ii | HSC Physics Percentage |
iii | HSC Chemistry Percentage |
iv | HSC English Percentage |
v | SSC Math Percentage |
vi | SSC Physics Percentage |
vii | SSC Chemistry Percentage |
viii | SSC English Percentage |
ix | HSC Bangla Percentage |
x | SSC Bangla Percentage |
i | A-Level Math Percentage |
ii | A-Level Physics Percentage |
iii | A-Level Chemistry Percentage |
iv | O-Level English Percentage |
v | O-Level Math Percentage |
vi | O-Level Physics Percentage |
vii | O-Level Chemistry Percentage |
i | Test Math marks |
ii | Test Physics marks |
iii | Test Chemistry marks |
iv | Academic Score |
v | HSC/A Level Math Percentage |
vi | HSC/A Level Physics Percentage |
vii | HSC/A Level Chemistry Percentage |
viii | SSC/O Level Math Percentage |
ix | SSC/O Level Physics Percentage |
x | SSC/O Level Chemistry Percentage |
xi | SSC/O Level English Percentage |
Department will sort the prospective candidates and the admission Committee will select the candidates for admission offer.
The final selection of a candidate will be made by the relevant Post Graduate Committee (PGC) in each department, which may also prescribe the required prerequisites to be completed by the candidate before continuing the normal programme, if necessary.
The final selection of a candidate will be made by the relevant Post Graduate Committee (PGC) in each department, which may also prescribe the required prerequisites to be completed by the candidate before continuing the normal programme, if necessary.